The Story of Everything

Grantee:  Kealoha
Location:  Honolulu
Award:  Community Inspiration Program
Discipline:  Pilot Demonstration Project
Web Site:

The work of Kealoha implements his latest work-in-progress performance piece, “The Story of Everything” into a merging, sometimes clashing but always resonating, embrace of science, modern and traditional culture, world music, and The Kumulipo (the Native Hawaiian creation story chant).

Kealoha’s project brings together visual artists, a musician, a chant master, and dancers in a comprehensive performance premiered in Honolulu, Hawai’i in September 2015 and scheduled for additional performances in 2016 and 2017. Kealoha’s goal for “The Story of Everything” is to engage communities about traditional knowledge and its convergence with today’s social and cultural contexts. In addition to the performance, Kealoha’s community engagement includes performance workshops and trainings in local Hawaiian schools, and work-in-progress performances via community events and other public platforms.

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