The Museum at Warm Springs

Grantee:  The Museum at Warm Springs
Location:  Warm Springs, Ore.
Award:  2012 Bridge Initiative for Native Arts
Discipline:  Feel the Spirit: Tribal Member Art Exhibition
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The mission of the Museum is to preserve, advance and share the knowledge of the cultural, traditional and artistic heritage of the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs.

Feel the Spirit: Tribal Member Art Exhibition featured the work of forty artists, all enrolled members of the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs. The annual exhibit is regarded as one of the most important contributions by the Museum to the local community and this was its 19th year. Ninety pieces of extraordinary art were displayed which included traditional regalia and clothing, copper work, photography, basketry and bead work but included contemporary work as well. The project included the development of a beautifully crafted exhibit catalog and four gallery artist residencies. The artists who have participated in the artist gallery residency were: Aurolyn Stwyer, painted drums; Angela Ann Smith, copper work; Wanda VanPelt, bead work; and Roy Heath, drum making and breast plates. Master artists Lillian Pitt and Pat Courtney Gold advised on the project. A writing workshop for artists was also offered and attracted nine participants with no previous experience writing about themselves or their work. It is estimated that over 600 community members and visitors viewed the exhibit and it received great media support.

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