Kaili Chun (Native Hawaiian) was awarded a 2014 NACF Artist Fellowship for Visual Arts.
Grantee:  Kaili Chun
Native Citizenship:  Native Hawaiian
Location:  Honolulu, Hawaii
Award:  2014 NACF Artist Fellowship
Discipline:  Visual Arts
Web Site:  N/A

Using unconventional materials, multi-media installation artist Kaili Chun creates large-scale installations that often reference the impact the past continues to have on the present day.

Sometimes, she introduces organic elements into indoor installations. Other times, Chun exposes metal structures to weather the elements in outdoor environments. During the course of an exhibition, the materials undergo changes similar to the constantly evolving nature of culture over time.

With the support of a 2014 NACF Artist Fellowship, she will be able to acquire materials and experiment with new media. Over the next year, Chun will be considering possible installation locations for site-specific pieces, both in and outside of Hawai’i.

Honored with multiple awards in her homeland for her innovative work, Chun has also received national recognition from the Joan Mitchell Foundation. She is a graduate of Kamehameha Schools and earned a bachelor’s degree in Architecture from Princeton University and a master’s of fine arts degree from the University of Hawaii at Manoa. She currently serves as a lecturer at Kapi’olani Community College.

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