Can You Name #5WomenArtists?

Can you name five women artists? Many people can’t. If you can, it probably takes you much longer to think of five female artists than five male artists. Now, try to name five women artists of color. The truth is that women—especially women of color—have never been treated equally in the art world, and today they remain dramatically underrepresented and undervalued in museums, galleries, and auction houses. This imbalance goes well beyond the art world, of course. But art plays a vital role in exploring issues of gender in society.

That is why the #5WomenArtists social media campaign is so important. #5WomenArtists directly addresses the gender imbalance in the presentation of art in the United States and abroad, assuring great women artists a place of honor now and into the future.

Get involved – use the hashtag #5WomenArtists when you share the images below, or in your own posts that highlight:

  • Women artists in your community
  • Artwork by women in your organization’s collection
  • Articles about women artists or gender imbalance in the arts
  • Programs or information related to Women’s History Month

This March, for Women’s History Month, the Native Arts and Cultures Foundation is proud to take part in the #5WomenArtists campaign, organized by the National Museum of Women in the Arts to raise awareness and promote women artists in the United States.


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