Alaska Native Arts Foundation

Grantee:  Alaska Native Arts Foundation
Location:  Anchorage, Alaska
Award:  Regional Collaboration Pilot Program 2012
Discipline:  Regional Collaboration Pilot Program
Web Site:

Alaska Native Arts Foundation’s (ANAF) core services provide a cultural, marketing, and financial development resource, offering professional development and support services to approximately 1,100 Alaska Native artists from the myriad of Alaskan communities across the vast state.

Art is marketed and sold on ANAF’s website, in ANAF’s retail and gallery space, during traveling exhibits, and at events, improving the economic well being of Alaska Native artists. The organization also supports the training of the next generation of Alaska Native artists, increasing awareness of Alaska Native cultures, creating opportunities to inform about the diverse cultural expressions of Alaska’s indigenous peoples and stimulating demand for and help establishing fair market pricing for works of art by Alaska Native people.

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