Aloha from the President

Blog, NACF

Time has been on my mind lately, and I’ve been wondering about the ways in which it played out in the lives of our ancestors. Their physical and spiritual worlds were based on the coming and going of the sun and the moon, the advance and retreat of the tides, and the rhythmic cycle of the earth and the land.

As the world rapidly changes and challenges us in our beliefs and consumes more of our precious time, human beings, and the institutions of which we are part, feel a responsibility to reflect on where we are now and where we want to be. How can we better serve? What can we do to steward this planet more effectively? Where are our time and energy best spent? Who should we be working with?

 Over this past year the Native Arts and Cultures Foundation has spent some time on these questions and others. We have focused on the value of Native arts and cultures to our communities, the ability of indigenous artists and culturemakers to inspire us to see beyond our own limitations as a society and the power of arts to contribute to social impact and positive change.

This past year has been one of change and clear indications of the work we have ahead of us to create the world we want. We are deeply satisfied and eager to continue our Artist Fellowship Program and to introduce our new Community Inspiration Program in 2015. The new program will pilot projects that engage artists and communities through important works addressing social issues such as climate change and stewardship of our planet, among others.

We are immensely grateful to have each and every one of you as partners in this journey, and I want to personally thank you for your support and unique contributions to Native arts and cultures.

May you all find warmth this winter in the company of your families and loved ones and in the reassuring comfort of the practices and traditions that you hold dear. Wishing you a blessed and joyful holiday season from all the staff and volunteers at the Native Arts and Cultures Foundation,

T. Lulani Arquette

NACF President/CEO

December 2014

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