To change the world, we have to change the story. #PSOTU2018

What if the annual State of the Union was not a speech spoken by one, but a poem created by many?

The Native Arts and Cultures Foundation in partnership with the people-powered U.S. Department of Arts and Culture invites you to take part in the creation of the People’s State of the Union 2018.

In January of most years, the President delivers a State of the Union Address highlighting the past year and suggesting priorities in the coming year. It’s a broadcast from one to many. But democracy is a conversation, not a monologue. Understanding the state of our union takes We the People reflecting in our own communities on our challenges and opportunities locally, nationally, and globally.

The People’s State of the Union is an invitation to host a national conversation in our own homes, schools, houses of worship, and community organizations. From January 25-February 4, 2018, individuals and organizations across the U.S. will host Story Circles.

Sign up to host a Story Circle in your community this January or February and you will get a free toolkit to organize your own Story Circle Event:

The U.S. Department of Arts and Culture is a people-powered department (not a government agency). We believe that art and culture are powerful and under-tapped resources for creating a more just, equitable, and vibrant world.

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